Changes ahead at Lane Head and Kenyon Junction

Lowton East Neighbourhood Development Forum (LENDF)

Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 13 January 2020, at Lowton Social Club

  • Chair – Ed Thwaite
  • (MP) and Cllr James Grundy, Cllr Edward Houlton, Cllr Kath Houlton
  • Minutes taken by – Gill TurnerNo. of attendees – 31Minutes from last meeting – not read at meeting but copies had been sent out by email, posted onto Facebook and paper copies were available.Welcome to Guests and New Visitors
    (New visitors invited from TRAFFIC ACTION GROUP for Lowton & Golborne)

1. Reply from Council regarding right turn from Newton Road onto Kenyon Lane

Reply stated a request for lights and lane for 4 vehicles to turn right from Newton Road into Kenyon Lane was declined. Council reported that this would significantly delay traffic accessing Newton Road and Church Lane and were unable to incorporate it. This was the same reply that has been given from the Council previously.

2. Traffic Report from LaGTAG (Lowton and Golborne Traffic Action Group

LaGTAG now have a formally constituted Traffic Advisory Committee.
All members of the Traffic Action Group and local Residents Association are automatically members of the TAG and may join the TAC Working Groups.

Graham (Professor Graham Wardle) has spoken with Cllr Ed Houlton regarding funding for pollution monitors to be sited at major road junctions and local schools. Funding could be provided in the next financial year through Brighter Boroughs monies. Alternatives are also being considered via commercial funding.

Graham has written to Shaun Ali (WMBC Environment/Highways) TFGM and WMBC modelling Church Lane/Stone Cross junction and asked them to meet LaGTAG to discuss issues.

Graham has a draft letter to WMBC Planning and Environment Directorate for a meeting with them, LaGTAG and Local Councillors to discuss improved communication with residents in respect of Traffic and Planning (housing developments), which also involved traffic movement issues.

Christine Lewis reported advertising and giving objection forms out this morning to traffic passing her house on Stone Cross Lane. Good response from drivers and some actually asking for the forms.

Approximately 500 letters so far and a petition with 450 signatures. Christine will continue to collect objection letters from shops; pubs and anyone can drop them off at her house.

The group are now looking for media coverage of traffic issues/planning from local newspapers and television. Please notify us or share information or articles if possible. 

3. Latest Hs2 and KenyonJunction

A new map was shown of proposed route. It did look like the Hs2 link to Scotland will possibly be going on the East Coast.

Hs2 was discussed and James Grundy MP is part of the Hs2 Review Group The Oakervee Review was mentioned, Lord Burkley and Minister Paul Maynard. James Grundy has made his views clear along with other new MP’sin the North West area. The Government has yet to decide if Hs2/Hs3 will be completed or be part of the Northern Powerhouse.

Kenyon Junction – Leigh is highlighted and used as an example of bad traffic issues with no connectivity locally to Manchester and rail transport not being easily accessible.

Items being looked at in the future are:

✓ A Station
✓ A bypass
✓ Town Regeneration

Publicity was discussed for all items to discuss air quality, infrastructure, Kenyon Junction and accessing the BBC Local News/Granada Reports. LENDF Chairman, Ed Thwaite, was interviewed last week regarding Kenyon Junction & Hs2 by Radio Manchester but is not sure when this will be aired.

Items discussed in the meeting regarding the above were: monies off builders before houses are built, up-to-date pollution monitoring, more pollution stations, school places, housing and a Meeting with Marie Binkley to access Section 106 monies. Only Lowton/Golborne and Standish have access to these monies and Wigan Council allocates the monies for other areas.

4. Travellers

The Queen’s Speech mentioned laws giving Police the power to arrest and seize illegal camps. It is against the law to set up camp and this is going through Parliament to be passed. A Police Covenant to be set up to protect officers once the law is passed.

5. Crow Wood Road Shops

A plan was shown of a new-tech Architect drawing of the shops. The sale of the shops did not meet the reserve price. It was mentioned a few of the shops’tenants have offered to buy their own shop.

6. St Helens Parkside

St Helens Council passed the outline planning application by Langtree. Call in letters have been put in from various groups and people regarding this.

7. Oakland’s planning due in April for 26 houses

Awaiting decision. Land was sold subject to planning.
It was noted all the planning application passed/applied for recently:

  • ✓  117 Houses Bainbridge (passed)
  • ✓  1300/1500 ???? houses already passed
  • ✓  69 houses around the Bottle Pit land (planning applied)
  • ✓  24 houses Heath Lane (on the triangle)
  • ✓  Council has hit is 5 year supply so they could refuse planning now, but will they?

8. Party night for BREXIT

A party has been organised at Lowton Social Club on Friday 31 January 2020 at 19:30pm. An artist, buffet, flags, etc.

Tickets available from Kath Houlton and are £4.00.9. AOB

Darts and Dominoes night organised at Golborne Sports and Social Club on the 28 January 2020. Tickets are £3.00 (Kath from Lane Head Residents Group). Pasties included.

It was reported that Church Lane was closed tonight by United Utilities. Not sure how long the lane will be closed.

It was noted there are a lot of vehicles have been being parked on the old Indian/Jolly Carter land. These types of vehicles are not just for the builders who are working on the building. Has permission been granted to sell from this site as some people have seen signs on some of the vehicles? This will be checked out with the Council by Councillors.

James Grundy (MP) spoke and reported that with his new role as
Member of Parliament he will not be able to attend all the meetings he used to. He will still drop in when he can and attend the various meetings he has attended in the past, including this one.

Any issues you have please use his MP e-mail as this will be monitored more closely than the council e-mail.

NEXT LENDF next monthly meeting: Monday 14 February 2020 @ 19:30 (7:30pm).

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