cafe complete

Triumph of Completion Over Challenges

If you listen carefully, you’ll still be able to hear the cheers echoing through the halls of the Lowton Community Hub as we proudly announce the triumphant passage through building control, gaining the nod of approval from our esteemed funders, Sport England and Wigan Council. This moment marks the culmination of a journey riddled with obstacles, late challenges, and relentless determination.

Overcoming late hurdles

Our path to success wasn’t without its share of challenges. Late in the game, we faced unexpected hurdles, from the installation of a 3-phase meter to the construction of an additional disabled access ramp as well as pushing our case with the energy ombudsman. The meticulous pursuit of full fire and safety certification became a testament to our unwavering commitment to creating a space that prioritises accessibility and safety for all.

Gaining the stamp of approval from Sport England and Wigan Council is not just a formality; it signifies the alignment of our vision with the standards set by our valued funders. Their acknowledgment reaffirms our commitment to providing a hub that transcends mere infrastructure—a space that truly serves the needs and aspirations of our community.

As we announce this milestone, there is a collective exhale of relief and a swell of pride within the Lowton Community Hub team. The challenges we faced were met with resilience, turning potential setbacks into opportunities for growth and improvement. This achievement is a shared success, a reflection of our community’s spirit and determination.


Café Open and the coffee's on us! ☕️

In celebration of this victory, we are delighted to announce that our café is now open, and to express our gratitude for your unwavering support, the coffee is on us! The café is more than a place to enjoy a cup; it’s a hub of conversation and camaraderie. We invite you to join us, share stories, and be part of the warmth that fills the air at the Lowton Community Hub.

To our community, stakeholders, and everyone who contributed to this journey, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. Your support has been the driving force behind this accomplishment, and we invite you to share in the pride of what we’ve collectively achieved.

As we celebrate this milestone, we look forward to a future filled with community engagement, shared experiences, and the continued growth of the Lowton Community Hub.

 Thank you for being part of this incredible journey.


Community Feedback – New Plans for old hut

We are thrilled to share the outcomes of our recent consultation meeting, where we came together to brainstorm ideas and plans for the future of our neighborhood following the demolition of the pensioners hut. Building upon the findings of our survey conducted last November, we sought your input on key questions and priorities for the redevelopment of the site. The level of participation and engagement was truly inspiring, reflecting our collective commitment to shaping a brighter future for our community.

We are always looking for more feedback so If you haven’t already, please complete the following questionnaire here.

Insights and findings from second consultation

Questionare responses

During the meeting, we revisited the questions asked in the survey, which aimed to gather insights on the community’s needs, preferences, and priorities. From discussions and analysis of the survey data, several key takeaways emerged:

  1. Youth-Centric Approach: There was overwhelming support for a project centered around young people, with respondents highlighting the importance of providing opportunities for youth empowerment, skill-building, and social engagement. The desire for a space that fosters inclusivity, creativity, and personal development was echoed by many participants.

  2. Community Events Space: A shared sentiment among community members was the need for a dedicated space to host community events, gatherings, and activities. Participants emphasized the importance of creating a hub where residents can come together to socialize, celebrate, and strengthen community bonds.

  3. Innovative Solutions: Discussions also explored alternative ideas for the redevelopment of the site, with three standout concepts emerging:

    • A community garden or green space, providing residents with a tranquil oasis for relaxation and recreation.
    • A cultural center or arts hub, offering programming and resources to celebrate the rich diversity and heritage of our community.
    • A pizzeria and youth hub, combining culinary training, social enterprise, and community engagement to create a vibrant and inclusive space for all.

Building upon these insights, we proposed the concept of a pizzeria and youth hub as a potential solution for the site. The idea garnered enthusiastic support from everyone, who recognised the potential to address multiple community needs while also offering a unique solution to our problems. In particular, the use of a permanent steel container for the pizzeria was seen as a forward-thinking and sustainable solution, as it is a long term solution, cost effective and has low environmental impact and maximise efficiency.

Previous meeting

Please click here to read the discussion of the previous community consultation about the fate of the pensioners hut including the condition survey.

As we move forward, we are committed to further researching and refining the concept of the pizzeria and youth hub, taking into account the valuable feedback and suggestions shared during the consultation meeting. Together, we have laid the groundwork for an exciting new chapter in our community’s history—one that prioritises the needs of our youth, celebrates our collective identity, and fosters a sense of belonging for all. We will continue to develop the concept further and a business plan to hopefully apply for funding within the next 2 months. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in the meeting and contributed their ideas and insights. Your voices are essential in guiding the future direction of our community, and we look forward to continuing this journey together.


Pensioners Hut Front2

The fate of the pensioners hut

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended the recent community consultation meeting regarding the future of the old pensioners hut. Your presence, engagement, and valuable contributions made the event a resounding success. Thank you to Mrs Keane for providing a history of the pensioners hut and the offer to provide an interview. It is much appreciated. 

During the meeting, we witnessed a fantastic exchange of ideas and concerns that underscored the deep-rooted connection and care our community has for its surroundings. Many of you voiced your frustration and disappointment over the deteriorating condition of the hut, describing it as an “eye sore”. 

Pensioners Hut Front2

Pensioners Hut front 3

Pensioners Hut Side

Pensioners Hut Electric Metre

Pensioners Hut Broken in to


Pensioners hut condition report

A condition survey of the pensioners hut was conducted and presented at the meeting. IN summary:

The hut stands as a symbol of neglect, with its walls, ceilings, and roofs crumbling under the weight of years of decay. Structural integrity is compromised, posing significant safety risks to anyone who may enter. Additionally, the presence of exposed electrical wiring, rodent infestations, and rampant dampness only exacerbates the hazards present within the structure.
But it's not just the interior that's cause for concern. The outdoor area surrounding the hut is equally neglected, with overgrown vegetation and uneven terrain creating trip hazards for passersby. It's clear that the hut, once a cherished community space, has become a liability—a danger to those who dare to venture near. In light of these findings, our recommendation is clear: immediate demolition and remediation of the site are necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of our community.

The report has provided 3 recommendations:

  1. Immediate Demolition: Given the extent of deterioration and safety hazards identified, it is recommended to proceed with the immediate demolition of the hut to mitigate risks to public safety and prevent further deterioration.

2. Site Cleanup and Remediation: Following demolition, the site should undergo thorough cleanup and remediation to remove debris, hazardous materials, and overgrown vegetation, restoring it to a safe and usable condition.

3. Future Development: With the hut removed, there is an opportunity to explore redevelopment options for the site, such as the construction of a new community facility or green space that better serves the needs of the community.

The report concluded that condition assessment of the pensioners hut reveals severe deterioration and safety hazards that necessitate urgent intervention. Demolition and remediation of the site are recommended to mitigate risks and pave the way for future redevelopment. By addressing these issues proactively, we can ensure the safety and well-being of the community while revitalising the surrounding area for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Your feedback

We heard loud and clear your concerns regarding the lack of recreational and developmental opportunities for our young people. The absence of a youth club and accessible training programs was a recurring theme, highlighting the urgent need for initiatives that empower and engage our youth. Your dedication to the well-being and future prospects of our younger generation is inspiring.

Amidst these challenges, it was great to see the creativity and enthusiasm with which you proposed solutions and ideas. Suggestions ranged from re-establishing the old youth club to creating a community space serving food to draw in young people. The emphasis on providing training and skill-building opportunities for youth further demonstrates our collective commitment to fostering growth and empowerment within our community. 

Action plan

Plans for the remediation and cleanup of the site will be agreed, with a focus on removing debris, hazardous materials, and overgrown vegetation to restore the area to a safe and usable condition. There are considerable costs for waste removal and disposal in addition to the ‘making safe’ of the live electrical and water supply in the hut. We will be therefore seeking contributions from qualified companies and electricians to accomplish this task. 

Within the next 2 weeks we will be gathering further feedback, ideas and input of what you would like to see in place of hut once it has been demolished. This meeting will be organised and take place in January 2024.

So until then let us please wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year and that you for all of your input. It is very much appreciated.

Lowton Youth CLub

Revisiting Lowton- Plans for transformation

Members of Award winning judo club are ecstatic after securing their long term future at Lowton Youth and Community Centre.

After outgrowing their previous facility, the club have renovated the sports hall of the centre investing over £10,000 assets including a brand new sprung floor, wall safety cladding an over 90m2 mat area allowing the club to expand further and reach its full potential in the heart of our community.

The build was completed entirely by volunteers and members from the club who worked tirelessly to accomplish a finish professional designers and sports clubs would aspire to. Started by Chairman and Head coach Luke Brown, the 3 year old club has grown dramatically over the past two years, so much so that the club quickly outgrew its previous facility.

Luke explained, “we’re very excited to secure the long term future of the club. It’s been its been a long and arduous process but we persevered and accomplished something we’re all very proud of”.

Mr Luke Brown said, “It’s been a real collective effort from all our board, committee, members and volunteers, it really does show what can be accomplished if the community comes together.” After visiting the club, the energy and positive atmosphere is palpable. It’s clear to see how the club, members and local community are already benefitting from the club’s new permanent home. Indeed many of the members were delighted with the home.

The members of club are now settled into their new venue and are already reaping the benefits,

“It’s been very exciting being part of the development of the new club. It’s been a lot of effort but completely worth it!” said one of the senior members.

The senior members and parents beamed with pride when discussing the new facility and mat area with many full of praise for Coach and Chairman Luke Brown.

“It’s really nice when a group of like minded individuals all come together and work hard to achieve a goal. Luke had a vision and he shared it with all of us and with a little hard work, determination and dedication we reached the finishing line. On behalf of all of us I would like to thank Luke for involving us on his journey, it’s been a pleasure being part of it” explained parent Tony Parr.

After limited use over the past few years, the centre has already become a hub of health and activity with the involvement of Leigh Judo Club. It’s a fantastic achievement for the club who have provided an incredible resource for the whole community of Lowton.

Further information can be found at

Womens self defence at LCH

Success at women’s self defence course

Feedback following our recently delivered Women’s self defence course has been hugly positive. Delivered by resident partner, Kokoro Jujitsu, the 5 week course involved various aspects of self defence to help to build confidence, self esteem and to educate local women.

While everyone was understandably nervous on the first day (with the vast majority having no knowledge of how to defend themselves), the friendly and relaxed environment of the hub’s dojo soon made everyone feel welcomed and happy. Each session commenced with a talk from Black Belt 4th Dan Ian Charlson on a variety of subjects – including preparation, awareness and avoidance. Followed by the expert instruction of techniques and principles of self-defence. Each session gradually built up knowledge and confidnece from the previous sessions with the local police also attending to share information regarding self defence and the law. 

“The course has increased my confidence and given me a skill set that although I will hopefully never have to use, it is very useful to have.”

With the attendees skills and confidence growing, all of the local ladies felt comfortable in defending themselves, even against an attacker with a weapon or when pinned to a wall in their final week test. Everyone felt they had learned useful skills at the right pace, and were hoping to return for future courses.

One of the ladies said, “It is really good value for money with a friendly instructor who was understanding and encouraging”. With another adding, “the course has increased my confidence and given me a skill set that although I will hopefully never have to use, it is very useful to have.”

With it’s success, Kokoro Jujitsu have commited to a repeat Womens self defence course in the Autumn 2020. Hosted again at Lowton Community Hub, the 5 week course will aim to teach simple and effective techniques to protect yourself in a safe and friendly environment. 

To find out more about Kokoro Jujitsu club or to sign up for the course click the link below…

Lowton development

Lowton objection to Wain Homes planning

Lowton East Neighbourhood Development Forum (LENDF)

Minutes of Meeting held on 10 February 2020, at Lowton Social Club

  • Chair – Ed Thwaite
  • Cllr Kath Houlton
  • Apologies, (MP) and Cllr James Grundy, Cllr Edward Houlton
  • Minutes taken by – Gill Turner

LENDF Meeting 10 February 2020

No. of attendees – 19

Minutes from last meeting – not read at meeting but copies had been sent out by email, posted onto Facebook and paper copies were available.
Welcome to Guests and New Visitors

Plans for Jolly Carter passed to LENDF

1. Jolly Carter – New owner

The owner contacted LENDF about how the site will be used. He used to run Courtyard Motors from Sandy Lane and wanted more security after being robbed there. He has submitted plans to use the site to sell cars. This will be by appointment only and people will not just turn up and it will not be a garage.

All this is done online. There will be a fence and the vehicles will park at the back. The front will have a drive on the left side and a garage for owner’s vehicle. There will be a garden at the front.

No objections were raised at the meeting and all agreed it would look better when completed.

2. Wigan Leader complains about air quality but still keeps passing plans for houses along East Lancs Road (A580)

Wigan Council now has a five year plan and is still passing planning application for new houses in our area. Wigan Council has been accused of ignoring residents regarding poor air quality and the chnage sin poloution of NO2 (Nitrogen Dioxide). There are no plans by Wigan to reduce NO2 levels to come in line with the legal limits. 56,000 vechicles per day are going through Lowton/Golborne down the A580 (East Lancs Rd).

Christine Lewis and others from Traffic Action Group for Lowton and Golborne went to the Town Hall in Wigan regarding objecting to the Bloor Homes new application at Lowton. They wanted to make a point and it was reported in the news (Wigan today) but housing in our area is still being passed.

3. Greater Manchester is not being forced to build on Greenbelt

It was reported that Andy Burnham has earmarked some areas of Green Belt to be built on. Objections to the Government Inspector for constraints in areas of natural beauty / greenbelt could be successful. 

4. St Helens Parkside MP asked for Planning to be called in

650 acres of Green belt that was in the Planning Application has not yet been taken out of the Greenbelt. James Grundy (MP) has issued a letter asking for the Planning Application to be called in. An article in the Leigh Journal reported that Mr Grundy called it a crackpot idea.

St Helens Council agreed that there were 667 objections but the changes in the planning wanted people to keep objecting to each change. This is a joint venture with Langtree and St Helens Council and St Helens Council passed the planning application marking their own homework.

Residents from Wigan and Warrington together with Wigan and Warrington Councils all objected. Andy Carter, MP for Warrington South and James Grundy, MP for Leigh, both objected to the Planning Application.

The planning application intends to block the entrance to the site on the A49(Newton Road), which was the original entrance so access with be through Golborne Dale Road, Lane Head, East Lancs Road, etc (all Wigan Roads). Access will be at the top of Winwick Lane near the M6 junction. A permanent 7.5 ton limit is being sought on Winwick Lane.

The MP for Warrington North may also support a ‘call in’ if approached.

5. Angry Residents petition Wain Homes

In the Wain Homes Planning Applications it stated that people buying these properties would either get a bus pass or be given a bike. How many have received either? Angry residents presenting objections to Wigan Town Hall has made local news. A petition was delivered with more than 2,000 signatures. This equates to 20% objections of all adults. How to stop more houses being passed/building causing urban sprawl? We have less greenbelt and less air quality. Lowton is losing its character. We are still waiting for a date for planning meeting for the Bloor Homes application.

Stone Cross Lane and Lane Head is full and over capacity each morning with traffic. This is causing people to be late for work, even though they are setting off earlier, school buses being late, angry drivers, bad accidents waiting to happen, etc. Application for planning on the site of the bottle pit is still ongoing.

6. Wigan pass huge Industrial Estate at the side of the M6

The site is an old business park but Green belt land has also been released. There is public out cry about the Green belt land being released. The area is reported to be creating 1,600 new job opportunities once complete.

7. AOB

A super rail depot at Platt Bridge has been completed and has cost £46 million. This is for servicing trains. There has been no improvement in roads/infrastructure. 

Diggle Green
There are not many problems in Lowton at the moment but believe all the odours are going into Culcheth. This should be reported to the Environment Agency on 0800 807 060.

Pocket Nook Lane
It was reported that Mr Walsh has sold his land down Pocket Nook Lane (bottom of track,4 fields) to builders. It was owned by the Coal Board and they had a lifetime tenancy. They have been given 12 months to move.

Andy Burnham (Mayor for Manchester) has vowed for Police to be on every beat. This is to be paid for through Council Tax (and extra £28 on top of the extra £12 last year). This has to be agreed by all Councils within Manchester.

Rothwell’s Farm, Golborne. It looks like more land could be released.
Redbank School has been passed for housing on the A49, near the current entrance to Parkside.

It was reported that new lights had been erected on Sandy Lane but passed the Red brick House there had been no lights on over the weekend. Councillor Kath Houlton would look into this.

There is a meeting on the 20th February 2020 of the La GTAC General Committee at 19:00 Golborne Library, back entrance.

➢ The group are asking for volunteers to create suggested working groups to join. If you are interested in any of the below, please attend the meeting and make the group aware:

  • Police & Emergency Services
  • Highways and Infrastructure
  • Planning (Houses and Commercial Development affecting traffic issues)
  • Formal Transport organisation (eg TfGM, HE, TEGM, rail, etc)
  • Business Liaison (Shops & Commercial, Transport – Haulage and Freight, etc)
  • Environmental issues (pollution, health, etc)
  • Safety
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Communication (Media, etc)
  • Finance
  • Schools liaison

NEXT LENDF next monthly meeting: 
Monday 9 March 2020 @ 19:30 (7:30pm)
Location: Lowton Social Club
All welcome


Lowton-Golborne traffic dilemma

Lowton East Neighbourhood Development Forum (LENDF)

Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 9 December 2019, at Lowton Social Club

  • Chair – Ed Thwaite,
  • Cllr James Grundy, Cllr Kath Houlton
  • Minutes taken by – Gill Turner
  • Apologies: Cllr Edward Houlton

LENDF Meeting 9 December 2019

No. of attendees – 46

Minutes from last meeting – not read at meeting but copies had been sent out by email, posted onto Facebook and paper copies were available.

Welcome to Guests and New Visitors
(New visitors invited from TRAFFIC ACTION GROUP for Lowton & Golborne)


The Group welcomed Professor Graham Wardle who gave two presentations, one regarding traffic and one explaining about the Traffic Action Group. The presentations were discussed in the meeting.

The Traffic Action Group was set up to report issues to the Council. A Facebook page was started and they have over 600 members at the moment. Graham Wardle and Christine Lewis are two of the Traffic Action Group Management Committee. They will have meetings and communicate with Planning Department, Council and Highways.

A group, Golborne and Lowton West Neighbourhood Forum, was set up and it is hoped all groups (including Lane Head South Residents and LENDF will join forces and help with local issues). Monitoring devices have been provided for the Stone Cross area and more devices to monitor junctions around A580 (East Lancs Road) are to be requested.

The group have met with the Council, who need formal evidence to take to the Committee regarding objecting the planning applications. Graham has evidence around Garton Drive but other people in different areas need to provide evidence of traffic congestion and speeding.

Reporting e-mails have been set up: – this is to report traffic issues. – this is to contact the group.

Any problems with traffic around Lowton/Golborne (times stuck in traffic, leaving times/which roads/direction/destinations) please report it on the ‘data’e-mail.

2. Information discussed as provided by Cllr James Grundy

New infrastructure needed but no monies to improve roads is available. There is an Infrastructure Fund, which can be applied for and this would be beneficial to extend the Lowton end of the bypass but Wigan Council have already applied to improve roads towards Wigan (Hindley) A49 link road. To extend the bypass at the Lowton side, this would be going through Warrington and they would have to apply for this, would be of no benefit to Warrington (only traffic along A580). It was reported that Bolton Council will complete the bypass from the Atherton side towards Bolton.

House building, traffic issues were discussed and Cllr Grundy supplied the new visitors with some of the issues LENDF had been involved in, which may answer some of the questions that were asked.

– Wigan Council’s Core Strategy was to build 3,000 houses in Lowton/Golborne. LENDF got the Government Inspector involved who instructed Wigan Council to build only 1,000 houses in this area and to build houses in other areas of Wigan. Up to now 1,500 houses have been passed for building – against instruction from the Government Inspector.

  • LENDF achieved agreement that monies gained from the new house build in the area is to be spent in our area and not put in the pot for Wigan Council to spend in other areas.
  • There is money for our area and this is allocated only when the new properties are completed/sold.
  • It was reported that the money will be ring-fenced for community projects/funds, road improvements, schools etc. There is an Infrastructure Plan being discussed with the Council and this will be reported back after meeting. All plans/suggestions will be discussed with groups and residence to shape the plan. The suggestions so far are only initial suggestions.

3. Parkside Action Group

Dave Tyrer asked for people to object to the Phase 1 and the Link Road proposed. Please object by 17 December 2019. (See Post Meeting Note below)

  • It was reported there will be approximately 1,400 extra vehicles per day ifthis is passed, 800 being HGV’s.
  • It was reported in 2013 there were 53,000 vehicles per day passing throughLane Head, Lowton. Could these figures be acquired for more recent movements? If planning permission is passed it will impact on all areas around the site.
  • Air quality (Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) was discussed and the local levels are double the Government figures – should be 40 ug/m3 and levels have been over 80 ug/m3.POST MEETING NOTE:As expected St Helens voted 9 to 3 with 1 abstention to pass their Parkside Phase 1 and Link Road applications.

    Excellent presentations were made by LHSRG/ PAG and residents of Newton which sadly fell on profoundly deaf ears.The Council commented that Wigan had sent objections, but were a little disingenuous and quite dismissive of the reasons for doing so…. There was no mitigation whatsoever for the volume of traffic which will undoubtedly turn left out of Parkside to access the A580, Salford, Bolton etcWhilst we await the planning meeting to discuss the permanence of Winwick Lane, changes to signage and sat nav; southbound HGV traffic will continue.

    If the plan is not called in residents of Lane Head on top of existing problems can look forward to 3 years of construction traffic passing their doors and the further prospect of 24/7/364 vehicles making their way to and from the East Lancs.
    This in an area already severely polluted beyond safe levels, with congestion, noise and an area of Green Belt gone forever. As one Councillor who voted against the plans expressed -“just for 3 sheds!”
    Source: Gill Dickenson – Secretary, LHSRG

The remaining items on the agenda were not discussed due to lack of time and will be added to the next meeting’s agenda

NEXT LENDF monthly meeting:

Monday 13 January 2020 @ 19:30 (7:30pm)
Lowton Social Club
All welcome

Changes ahead at Lane Head and Kenyon Junction

Lowton East Neighbourhood Development Forum (LENDF)

Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 13 January 2020, at Lowton Social Club

  • Chair – Ed Thwaite
  • (MP) and Cllr James Grundy, Cllr Edward Houlton, Cllr Kath Houlton
  • Minutes taken by – Gill TurnerNo. of attendees – 31Minutes from last meeting – not read at meeting but copies had been sent out by email, posted onto Facebook and paper copies were available.Welcome to Guests and New Visitors
    (New visitors invited from TRAFFIC ACTION GROUP for Lowton & Golborne)

1. Reply from Council regarding right turn from Newton Road onto Kenyon Lane

Reply stated a request for lights and lane for 4 vehicles to turn right from Newton Road into Kenyon Lane was declined. Council reported that this would significantly delay traffic accessing Newton Road and Church Lane and were unable to incorporate it. This was the same reply that has been given from the Council previously.

2. Traffic Report from LaGTAG (Lowton and Golborne Traffic Action Group

LaGTAG now have a formally constituted Traffic Advisory Committee.
All members of the Traffic Action Group and local Residents Association are automatically members of the TAG and may join the TAC Working Groups.

Graham (Professor Graham Wardle) has spoken with Cllr Ed Houlton regarding funding for pollution monitors to be sited at major road junctions and local schools. Funding could be provided in the next financial year through Brighter Boroughs monies. Alternatives are also being considered via commercial funding.

Graham has written to Shaun Ali (WMBC Environment/Highways) TFGM and WMBC modelling Church Lane/Stone Cross junction and asked them to meet LaGTAG to discuss issues.

Graham has a draft letter to WMBC Planning and Environment Directorate for a meeting with them, LaGTAG and Local Councillors to discuss improved communication with residents in respect of Traffic and Planning (housing developments), which also involved traffic movement issues.

Christine Lewis reported advertising and giving objection forms out this morning to traffic passing her house on Stone Cross Lane. Good response from drivers and some actually asking for the forms.

Approximately 500 letters so far and a petition with 450 signatures. Christine will continue to collect objection letters from shops; pubs and anyone can drop them off at her house.

The group are now looking for media coverage of traffic issues/planning from local newspapers and television. Please notify us or share information or articles if possible. 

3. Latest Hs2 and KenyonJunction

A new map was shown of proposed route. It did look like the Hs2 link to Scotland will possibly be going on the East Coast.

Hs2 was discussed and James Grundy MP is part of the Hs2 Review Group The Oakervee Review was mentioned, Lord Burkley and Minister Paul Maynard. James Grundy has made his views clear along with other new MP’sin the North West area. The Government has yet to decide if Hs2/Hs3 will be completed or be part of the Northern Powerhouse.

Kenyon Junction – Leigh is highlighted and used as an example of bad traffic issues with no connectivity locally to Manchester and rail transport not being easily accessible.

Items being looked at in the future are:

✓ A Station
✓ A bypass
✓ Town Regeneration

Publicity was discussed for all items to discuss air quality, infrastructure, Kenyon Junction and accessing the BBC Local News/Granada Reports. LENDF Chairman, Ed Thwaite, was interviewed last week regarding Kenyon Junction & Hs2 by Radio Manchester but is not sure when this will be aired.

Items discussed in the meeting regarding the above were: monies off builders before houses are built, up-to-date pollution monitoring, more pollution stations, school places, housing and a Meeting with Marie Binkley to access Section 106 monies. Only Lowton/Golborne and Standish have access to these monies and Wigan Council allocates the monies for other areas.

4. Travellers

The Queen’s Speech mentioned laws giving Police the power to arrest and seize illegal camps. It is against the law to set up camp and this is going through Parliament to be passed. A Police Covenant to be set up to protect officers once the law is passed.

5. Crow Wood Road Shops

A plan was shown of a new-tech Architect drawing of the shops. The sale of the shops did not meet the reserve price. It was mentioned a few of the shops’tenants have offered to buy their own shop.

6. St Helens Parkside

St Helens Council passed the outline planning application by Langtree. Call in letters have been put in from various groups and people regarding this.

7. Oakland’s planning due in April for 26 houses

Awaiting decision. Land was sold subject to planning.
It was noted all the planning application passed/applied for recently:

  • ✓  117 Houses Bainbridge (passed)
  • ✓  1300/1500 ???? houses already passed
  • ✓  69 houses around the Bottle Pit land (planning applied)
  • ✓  24 houses Heath Lane (on the triangle)
  • ✓  Council has hit is 5 year supply so they could refuse planning now, but will they?

8. Party night for BREXIT

A party has been organised at Lowton Social Club on Friday 31 January 2020 at 19:30pm. An artist, buffet, flags, etc.

Tickets available from Kath Houlton and are £4.00.9. AOB

Darts and Dominoes night organised at Golborne Sports and Social Club on the 28 January 2020. Tickets are £3.00 (Kath from Lane Head Residents Group). Pasties included.

It was reported that Church Lane was closed tonight by United Utilities. Not sure how long the lane will be closed.

It was noted there are a lot of vehicles have been being parked on the old Indian/Jolly Carter land. These types of vehicles are not just for the builders who are working on the building. Has permission been granted to sell from this site as some people have seen signs on some of the vehicles? This will be checked out with the Council by Councillors.

James Grundy (MP) spoke and reported that with his new role as
Member of Parliament he will not be able to attend all the meetings he used to. He will still drop in when he can and attend the various meetings he has attended in the past, including this one.

Any issues you have please use his MP e-mail as this will be monitored more closely than the council e-mail.

NEXT LENDF next monthly meeting: Monday 14 February 2020 @ 19:30 (7:30pm).